mit vollem Einsatz...
Steffen Klinner
For me photography is the best past time in the world.
My hobbies always included photography and traveling to natural places.
Everything began during our first vacation to British Columbia, Canada. Equipped with a compact camera we tried to photograph our first grizzlies and black bears. The results were obviously totally ‘convincing’. People back home did not want to believe that some small brown point was actually a bear.
I realized that the time had come to upgrade our equipment, thus the first DSLR camera entered our home. Since then many years have passed and the photos are ‘collecting’ dust on our disks.
After positive feedback from family and friends, it was decided that we wanted to share some of the best photos.
We hope that our selection is able to convey the spirit of the places photographed and that it helps with forgetting the daily stress for a couple of moments…